Peking University

  Peking University (Peking University), referred to as "Peking University", is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which is ranked in the "double first-class", "211 Project" and "985 Project". Selected in the "Degree Authorization Independent Review Unit", "Basic Discipline Top Student Training Pilot Program", "Basic Discipline Enrollment Reform Pilot", "Innovation Ability Improvement Plan for Colleges and universities", "Subject Innovation and Intellectual Introduction Plan for Colleges and Universities", He is a member of Nine University Alliance, Pine Union, Chinese University Presidents' Association, Beijing-Hong Kong University Alliance, Asian University Alliance, East Asian Research University Association, International Research University Alliance, Pacific Rim University Alliance, Global University Presidents' Forum, 21st Century Academic Alliance, East Asian Four University Forum, International Public University Forum, and Sino-Russian Comprehensive University Alliance.